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Discover the Advantages of Micro Shot Peening for Stainless Steel Surfaces Micro Shot Peening

Would you like to know more about micro shot peening and its benefits for stainless steel surfaces? Micro shot peening is an essential treatment both as a preparation for subsequent treatments or coatings, and as an independent finish for stainless steel surfaces. Its main objective is to make the surface homogeneous, removing approximately 1 micron of material and creating a slight surface roughness. This asperity favors the adhesion of subsequent coatings, such as chemical nickel plating, significantly improving the quality and adhesion of the deposit.

At ZEPNICASIL S.r.l., we offer three categories of micro-shot peening treatments, guaranteeing customized solutions for your needs:

Using two automatic machines, this method is ideal for shot peening steels and alloys with low surface hardness.

Using two manual blasting machines, this type of shot peening is particularly suitable for treating hardened and stainless steels.

Performed with a manual processing machine, this treatment is the ideal choice for obtaining a high-quality finish on stainless steel surfaces with high aesthetic standards.

After the various micro-peening treatments, both for the ground surfaces and for those with an extrusion roughness the surface roughness, measured in Ra, reaches a value of approximately 1.6 microns. This data is important to satisfy certain design needs, especially for details that require micrometric precision.

Find out how micro-peening by ZEPNICASIL S.r.l. it can optimize your stainless-steel surfaces, preparing them for further treatments or as a high-quality finish. Contact our company today to learn more about shot peening and its benefits for stainless steel surfaces.