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Micro shot peening improves the aesthetic appearance of the product and tends to create a uniform surface Stainless steel micro shot peening

We are well aware of the numerous advantages of the micro-shot peening treatment of stainless steel. Micro shot peening is performed using decontaminated corundum powder with a 120 grit or ceramic powder to machine stainless steel surfaces.

Our micro-peening process allows us to obtain a surface roughness of Ra 1.6 microns, guaranteeing a homogeneous surface free of imperfections. This involves effective removal of surface imperfections, decontamination of the stainless steel product and improved surface uniformity.

Micro-peening of stainless steel offers clear advantages, improves the aesthetic appearance of the product and tends to create a uniform surface thanks to the elimination of imperfections.

Contact us to find out how we can improve the appearance and performance of your stainless steel components through micro shot peening.